The inaugural International Week 9-15 November, week of Science and Peace, launched in 1986 as part of the broader International Year of Peace, marked a significant milestone in the global recognition of the interconnectedness between scientific advancements and the promotion of peace.

Originating from non-governmental initiatives, the event gained momentum, with organizers fostering international collaboration and participation to achieve its overarching goal of promoting peace through scientific endeavors.

Building on the success of the 1986 event, subsequent years witnessed sustained efforts, culminating in the General Assembly’s official designation of the “International Week of Science and Peace” during the week in which November 11 falls.

This resolution, adopted in December 1988, underscored the importance of international cooperation among member states, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

It called for the promotion of events and activities that explore the intricate connections between scientific and technological progress and the maintenance of global peace and security.

The annual observance of the International Week of Science and Peace, rooted in these resolutions, has proven to be a catalyst for fostering peace.

It goes beyond encouraging academic exchanges by significantly contributing to public awareness of the vital interplay between science and peace.

The growth in participation each year suggests a rising global understanding of the practical applications of science in promoting peace throughout the year.

One such avenue of progress is evident in UNESCO’s 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers (RS|SR), which advocates for a transformative approach to science ecosystems.

This approach prioritizes human well-being and inclusion over mere growth and productivity.

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The recommendation emphasizes that science, with its transformative power, has the potential to address global challenges, including climate change and health crises, and substantially reduce inequalities within and among nations.

To achieve these goals, a paradigm shift is required, where justice, inclusion, and human rights become foundational elements of the science ecosystem.

The International Week of Science and Peace, with its roots in non-governmental initiatives and subsequent official recognition, serves as a testament to the global commitment to leveraging science as a tool for fostering international understanding, cooperation, and, ultimately, a more peaceful world.

International Week of Science and Peace

Iffat Masood is Contributor and Content writer on THE DIPLOMATIC INSIGHT, and also Ambassador from IAMCR. She is perusing her PhD. from UAB Barcelona, Spain in Audio-Video Communications and Advertising.