Ottawa, 7 September 2022 (TDI): A Canada-based non-profit organization, International Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) has called for volunteers to help build food packages for Pakistan amid flash floods.

Pakistan is under a climatic catastrophe. Volunteers are called to join the organization on the 8th of September. The purpose of this call is to arrange as many food packages as possible for families suffering due to the floods.

The volunteers are going to register by filling out an online form to join the organization for this cause. They will work in two shifts from 9 am to 4 pm.

Ottawa’s compassion for Pakistan

Ottawa has already announced $5 million aid for Pakistan drenched in heavy monsoon and submerged in flood. Pakistani community in Canada also urged support for flood relief efforts.

The Pakistani community in Canada is raising awareness about floods in Pakistan. Many such Canada-based welfare organizations are working to raise funds, food assistance, and relief packages for Pakistan.

Muhammad Farhan is a Canadian citizen and operates multiple charities and orphanages across Pakistan. While asking for flood relief efforts he said, “It’s scary. There’s no water. There’s no food. People are living in stores. Kids have no clothes.”

He further explains the horrific flood situation in Pakistan by saying: “They were trying to work through the current and some got saved. Some young kids … [they] couldn’t save them. They just drowned.”

He added that it has reminded him of the “chaos” of the Calgary floods of 2013. People were scared to drive downtown as the highway was covered in water. But in some parts of Pakistan, there are no roads at all.

Also Read: Differences between 2010 and 2022 floods

The President of the Pakistan Canada Association, Pannu also says, “It’s a disaster. It’s really sad, and the best thing is just to send them money and locally, people can arrange the supplies.” He urges Canadians to donate money to charities on the ground.


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