Islamabad, 6 September 2022 (TDI): International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) shows its support for the call of the Ministry of Health (MOH) for protecting breastfeeding.

IBFAN Pakistan urges unity in support of the Ministry of Health of Pakistan’s appeal for proper IYCF-E baby and young child feeding in times of emergency.

Moreover, the defense, promotion, and encouragement of breastfeeding and suitable supplemental feeding are essential to preventing unneeded disease epidemics and child fatalities. The organizations issued a caution against distributing formula and other needless super products to vulnerable areas.

Additionally, children under five experience the highest sickness and mortality rates amid emergencies of any age group. The chance of death increases with baby’s age.

Furthermore, poor sanitation, high rates of malnourishment, and the spread of diseases all contribute to a high mortality risk. Donations of baby formula made improperly compound these issues.

Besides this, Pakistan already had high rates of malnutrition before the floods, with four out of ten children under five being stunted and 17.7% experiencing wasting.

Along these lines, donations of newborn feeding supplies have the potential to undercut attempts to safeguard breastfeeding. This is a practice that is robust and offers sustenance, care, immunological support, and defense against the worst emergency situations.

Breastfeeding: The Benefits

Moving ahead, Breastfeeding provides the most ecologically responsible approach to feeding a baby. It also supports local food and water security in addition to playing a critical part in a child’s survival.

Apart from this, it is a regenerative, food production system that, unlike artificial feeding, produces no waste or pollution and does not increase the environmental load that is escalating the climate catastrophe.

IBFAN: An Overview

IBFAN works through initiatives designed to expand its reach. Forming alliances, defending people from the deceptive propaganda of baby food corporations, and pleading with government agencies to hold the baby food companies accountable, IBFAN works.

Aside from that, providing professional and planning assistance to governments, awareness campaigns, training, and institutional capacity, IBFAN is a watchdog group. This is so to keep an eye on how the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes and resulting World Health Assembly resolutions are being followed.

Lastly, it also draws attention to any conflicts of interest in national and international laws and programs.