Bishkek, October 26, 2023  (TDI): The recent meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in Bishkek has yielded a series of significant agreements and initiatives, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to cooperation and development within the region.

These documents, collectively shaping the future of the SCO, were signed during this momentous event.

1. Joint Communique of the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of SCO Member States: This communique encapsulates the collaborative efforts and shared objectives of the member states.

2. Resolution of the Council of Heads of Government of SCO Countries on Multifaceted Trade and Economic Cooperation: This resolution outlines the plan for events and meetings within the Program of Multifaceted Trade and Economic Cooperation of SCO Countries.

3. Resolution on the Financial Report of SCO for the Implementation of the 2022 Budget: This resolution assesses and acknowledges the financial progress of the organization in relation to the 2022 budget.

4. Resolution on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Budget for 2024: The budget for 2024 is presented, highlighting the financial framework for the coming year.

5. Resolution on Financial Rules of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: This resolution lays out the financial regulations governing the SCO’s financial operations.

6. Resolution on Support, Guarantees, and Compensations for Officials of Permanent Bodies: This document ensures the welfare and support of officials within the SCO’s permanent bodies.

7. Resolution on the Report of the External Audit Commission: This resolution reflects the findings of the External Audit Commission’s examination of SCO permanent bodies.

8. Action Plan on Implementation of the Concept of Interaction Between Railway Administrations of SCO Countries: This action plan focuses on enhancing cooperation and coordination among railway administrations of SCO countries.

9. Resolution on Staffing of the SCO Secretariat: This resolution addresses the staffing requirements of the SCO Secretariat, crucial for its efficient functioning.

10. Resolution on Staffing of the Executive Committee of SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure: This resolution outlines the personnel requirements for the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure’s executive committee.

11. Concept of the Digital Meeting of Buyers and Sellers from SCO Region: This document introduces a forward-looking concept for digital trade meetings within the SCO region.

12. Protocol with Changes to the Agreement on the Order of Functioning and Implementation of SCO Budget (December 1, 2017): These changes reflect adjustments to the functioning and implementation of the SCO budget, aligning it with evolving requirements.

13. Initiative to Study Prospects of Cooperation in Digital Trade: This initiative aims to explore opportunities for cooperation among ministries and agencies responsible for foreign economic and trade activities in the sphere of digital trade.

14. Action Plan for the Year of Ecology in SCO Countries in 2024: This action plan lays the groundwork for commemorating the Year of Ecology in SCO countries in 2024, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

These documents collectively underscore the SCO’s dedication to fostering collaboration and enhancing economic, financial, and environmental cooperation among its member states.

The agreements and initiatives unveiled at the Bishkek meeting signify a significant stride toward regional prosperity and integration.

As these strategies are set in motion, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization moves closer to realizing its vision of a harmonious and prosperous future for its member states and the region as a whole.


The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development publishing since 2009.