Baku, 28 June 2022 (TDI): The First Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers in Charge of Transport of Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan took place in Baku.

The Meeting

During the meeting, Azerbaijan’s representatives were Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, and Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Rashad Nabiyev.

Turkiye’s representatives included Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Adil Karaismailoglu.

And, Kazakhstan was represented by Foreign Minister, Mukhtar Tileuberdi, and Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Kairbek Uskenbayev.

In line with the Turkish Foreign Ministry, the mechanism of the Trilateral Meeting aimed at reinforcing the coordination that already exists between the three countries. In addition to strengthening regional connectivity founded on mutual interests.

The Ministers accordingly discussed enhancing trilateral as well as regional cooperation. Together with raising the potential of the Trans-Caspian East-West-Middle Corridor during the meeting.

“A very historical meeting has been held among Azerbaijan, Turkiye, and Kazakhstan today,” said Minister Cavusoglu at a press conference following the meeting.

With regards to relations between the three countries, Cavusoglu stated that they cooperate on international platforms under the leadership of the Organization of Turkic States.

He said that they have to raise their potential and mentioned the Projects like TANAP, and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars that have caused changes in their region.

Minister Cavusoglu further highlighted that they have implemented these with Azerbaijan and currently, Middle Corridor requires development.

Azerbaijan and Türkiye are notably important political and economic partners in the region for Kazakhstan. The Ministers further discussed the status as well as prospects for the implementation of joint projects. For instance, railway lines and oil pipelines in the region

The next trilateral meeting of Foreign Ministers and Transport Ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkiye, and Kazakhstan will take place in Kazakhstan. Thus noted in the Baku Declaration signed in the framework of the first trilateral meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers in charge of Transportation of the three countries.

First Trilateral Meeting of Foreign Ministers

On 26 May 2014, the First Trilateral Meeting of the Foreign Ministers held in Baku involved Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan without the involvement of Kazakhstan.

Regarding the framework of the meeting and matters of common interest to the three countries, they addressed the opportunities for developing cooperation at bilateral and regional levels.

Specifically in the fields of energy and transportation. As well as exchanging views on international and regional developments.

According to the issued statement after the meeting, Foreign Ministers expressed satisfaction regarding the development of relations between the three countries.

As a result, they emphasized the significance of further enhancing cooperation. That is, in political, security, economic, trade, energy, transport, and humanitarian fields.