Lahore, 20 May 2022 (TDI): The European Union Delegate handed over learning aids to the Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) of Punjab.

It was co-funded by the EU, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, & Royal Norway Embassy, and TVET Sector Support Program.

The 51 simulators that were provided will support digital learning. In addition to this, as developed by Program graduates, the learning aids will assist in innovative learning.


TEVTA is the largest Skill Training Provider in the country. It was established in 1999 through an Ordinance [XXIV of 1999] by means of merging Training Institutes from 7 different Departments of the Government of Punjab and was strengthened through an Act in 2010.

Their aims include enhancing global competitiveness in Punjab through a productive and quality workforce. Furthermore, by also developing demand-driven, standardized, dynamic, and integrated technical education as well as vocational training service.

EU’s TVET Sector Support Program 

Last year, the President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Mian Nasser Hyatt Maggo, expressed his appreciation for the European Union’s TVET Sector Support Programs (TVET-SSP).

That is, for their contribution towards skill development and providing vocational training to Pakistani youth and employees of SMEs. Nasser Hyatt Maggo gave his entire support and facilitation from FPCCI’s platform to EU-backed TVET initiatives.

In addition to this, he mentioned his desire for the youth of neglected areas to benefit. The President highlighted the activities of FPCCI with the support of the EU following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission in 2018 for private sector development under the TVET Sector Support Programme (TVET-SSP).

Thus, with an objective of developing quality skills by supporting workplace-based training and by also providing the employers a role and voice in the development of training policy as well as implementation.

Head of the delegation, David Pearson of EU’s TVET stated his satisfaction with the progress made in TVET-SSP programs. Amjad Rafi, Convener of International Affairs at FPCCI, named the reactivation of EU-backed TVET-SSP programs in Pakistan as a landmark achievement of FPCCI in 2021 under the visionary leadership of President Maggo.