San Salvador, 15 September 2023 (TDI): In Spanish language, El Salvador means “the Savior”, Every Year on September 15, El Salvador celebrates its Independence Day.

It is the smallest country in Central America surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, and Honduras. The official language of El Salvador is Spanish.

In 1609, El Salvador joined the Kingdom of Guatemala and during Spain’s weakening due to the Peninsular War, local juntas formed as civilians rebelled against King Joseph Bonaparte (brother of Napoleon Bonaparte).

El Salvador declared independence on September 15, 1821, as part of Central America’s emancipation from Spain. After a brief Mexican Empire period, they established the Federal Republic of Central America in 1823.

It is known as the “Land of Volcanoes,” due to regular seismic events and volcanic eruptions. It stands as the only Central American country which lacks a border along the Caribbean Sea.

The current flag of El Salvador, consists of three horizontal stripes: two deep cobalt blue ones with a white stripe in between. The upper blue stripe symbolizes the sky, the lower one represents the ocean, and the central white stripe signifies peace.

Also Read: Costa Rica celebrates 202 years of Independence

Moreover, in the middle, there’s a coat of arms representing El Salvador with a yellow triangle, five volcanoes, a Phrygian cap, and a rainbow.

The coat of arms also features five blue flags representing the nations of the Federal Republic of Central America, and a banner reading “Dios, Unión, Libertad” which means God, Union, and Liberty.

Its national anthem is one of the lengthiest in existence and is a classic example of a “Latin American epic anthem.” Informally adopted on September 15, 1879, it gained official recognition on December 11, 1953.

El Salvadoran cuisine is a unique blend of indigenous and Spanish influences, offering a variety of traditional dishes and drinks like Pupusas, Enchiladad, Atol, and Yuca frita.

Furthermore, Día de la Cruz or Day of the Cross, is a holiday celebrated in El Salvador on May 3 each year. Salvadorans decorate crosses with paper chains and place them in their homes.

On its Independence Day, celebrated along with four other Central American countries, a torch passes through these nations. El Salvador celebrates with parades and street events, including a children’s parade.

In San Miguel, there’s a series of festivities from October to November, concluding with the Carnival de San Miguel on November 21st. This famous celebration honors the city’s patron, the Virgin Mary, and features vibrant parades, music, and traditional dances, attracting thousands of visitors.

International Felicitations

The international community congratulated El Salvador on its 202nd Independence Day and extended their warm wishes for the prosperity and progress of El Salvadorians.

Similarly, the US Secretary of State, Antony John Blinken on behalf of the United States of America extended his best wishes to the people of El Salvador and highlighted the significant bond between the two governments.