Cairo, 23 July 2022 (TDI): The Arab Republic of Egypt celebrated the 70th anniversary of the country’s 23rd July Revolution of 1952, which transformed the country from a monarchy to a republic.

Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly also declared a full paid day off for public and private sector employees in observance of the day.

Celebrating the day, the President of Egypt, Abdelfattah Elsisi, wished the people and said that 23rd July 1952 “will remain in mind, which we are proud of, and inspired by their lofty goals, the spirit of determination, determination and will to realize the aspirations and hopes of the people of Egypt for a bright future for future generations.”

The Revolution Day

Egyptians commemorate the Revolution Day each year on 23rd of July. They celebrate the 1952 Egyptian Revolution carried by the Free Officers Movement and led by national revolutionary Gamal Abdel Nasser.

The Revolution led to the forced step-down of King Farouk, the penultimate King of Egypt and the Sudan. It abolished the hereditary monarchy in the country and made Egypt a republic.

This patriotic day is observed with military parades, political speeches, and celebrations around the country. It is a historic day in Egypt’s path to democracy. For decades, July 23rd was the only Revolution Day in Egypt. However, with the resignation of Hosni Mubarak in 2011 during the Arab Spring, another Revolution Day was added to the calendar. The second celebration takes place on January 25th with parades in Tahrir Square.

The country also received several high-level congratulatory messages from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain.
