Dubai, 26 January 2022 (TDI): Dubai is currently hosting Arab Health 2022. It will run from the 24th of January to the 27th of January. Informa Market organized this event following the global pandemic. It wants to put technology and innovation at the heart of transforming the healthcare system globally.

Arab Health 2022 is an event that will attract healthcare professionals along with distributors and manufacturers of medical equipment from around the world to allow them to expand their networks and interact in one place. All delegates will attend hands-on training sessions and workshops which are CME accredited.

This event will allow attendees to learn from some of the worlds leading and finest medical professionals and industry experts. A total of 3,590 companies will attend this event. These companies include Canon Medical and Philips. Some companies are also going to exhibit new ground-breaking medical equipment.

LG is set to unveil new advanced medical technologies including a new digital X-ray machine that can run up to 8 hours along with new diagnostic monitors with different resolutions, in pathology mode these monitors can display as much information that would be observed under a microscope.

“While our region has shown a great deal of resilience, adapting to change in a timely and secure manner, looking ahead at the next stage of the pandemic and beyond, radiologists have the opportunity to reexamine and optimize their workflows, processes, and patient care. With teleradiology also on the rise, the industry must closely examine the technologies available to ensure that remote radiologists have the tools required to deliver successful outcomes.” -Hongju Jeon, President of LG Electronics Gulf.

A new one-of-a-kind desert ambulance was also unveiled by NAFFCO, which is able to carry up to seven patients at a time and is also equipped with Wifi and a live camera feed that connects the patient to the hospital.

“It can go to the desert or mountains where normal ambulances find it difficult to access which can sometimes lead to critical time being wasted.” -Engineer Mohamad Mawed.

The event will feature delegates from numerous countries that will enhance and advance modern medicine.

Arab Health 2022