New York, 14 July 2022 (TDI): Pakistan Minister of Planning, Ahsan Iqbal, met with several higher UN officials during his visit to New York.

The Pakistani Minister has been there to attend the 2022 session of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. Pakistan is to attend the Voluntary National Reviews VNR on Sustainable Development.

Previously, Pakistan’s Minister had done a Press Conference regarding Pakistan’s stance on global crisis, Sustainable Development Goals, and issues of regional security.

Moreover, the Minister attended the UNGC’s virtual event and shared his remarks about mobilizing the private sector.

Upon his meeting with UN officials, he discussed many matters of common interest.

Meeting with IMF’s Special Rep to UN

Pakistan Minister of Planning held a meeting with the special representative of the IMF to the UN, Robert Powell. This meeting was on the sidelines of HLPF’s 2022 session.

Both officials discussed matters related to minimizing the cost of economic default and political crisis.

Moreover, Pakistan’s Peramnent Representative to UN Ambassador Munir Akram also accompanied them.

Meeting with UN Dept. Secretary-General

Minister Ahsan Iqbal met with Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammad. Significantly, Pakistan’s Minister stated that  Pakistan’s governmnet is determined to take up the entire Agenda 2030 of United Nations.

Pakistan is willing to work closely with all stakeholders including the private sector.

Pakistan’s Minister further shared his remarks that the meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General of the UN remained very productive.

Meeting with UN Under Secretary General of Economic and Social Affairs

The Minister of planning also had a meeting with the Under-Secretary-General of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Liu Zhenmin.

Pakistan’s Peramnent Representative to UN Ambassador Munir Akram also accompanied them.

Moreover, the planning Minister thanked the Under Secretary General for his support of the Voluntary National Reviews VNR, presenting countries for the ongoing HLPF session.

This meeting was held along the sideline with HLPF 2022 session.

Meeting with Chinese Minister of Ecology and Environment

Minister Ahsan Iqbal had a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Ecology and Environment, People’s Republic of China, Huang Runqiu.

Both officials also discussed cooperation in Sustainable Development Goals and climate change.

Significantly, he reiterated that China is an important development partner of Pakistan.

Meeting with South African Minister in Presidency

Pakistan’s planning Minister had a bilateral meeting with Minister in Presidency, South Africa, Mondli Gungubele.

Both sides also discussed complex systematic issues impeding food production by developing countries.

Moreover, they mutually agreed that efforts should be redoubled to implement SDGs in developing countries.

UN officials