Brest, 11 February 2022 (TDI): Climate change is one of the most important priorities of the world today, many countries are working towards climate-friendly developments, in other words, sustainable development and the EU is working towards a blue economy that is sustainable.

Over 50 high-profile European participants took part in what is known as the Coastal Regions Forum which was made possible by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), which brings forward 24 nations within the European Union and approximately 160 regions and the Brittany Region in the framework given by the One Planet Summit.

The workshop was enunciated by the Minister of Europe and the Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian along with the former CPMR president. This event, the Coastal Regions Forum was the first of its kind that brought forward a regional perspective of the One Ocean Summit. 

What was largely covered within this conference were discussions for the period of 2021 to 2027; the dialogues mostly concentrated on investment priorities and needs in maritime regions and presented examples of particular actions that were related to advancing a form of blue economy that was sustainable, all of which was made possible by the funding provisioned by the European Union.

According to the words of Cees Loggen, the current President of the CPRM as well as the acting Regional Minister of Noord-Holland, the EU will deploy the budget needed for 2021-2027 in the specified regions.

These developments portray a large opportunity that will give support for a blue economy, that will promote sustainable industries as well as sectors within seas, oceans, and communities across the coast.

The President of CPMR propelled EU (European Union) institutions to initiate a debate regarding the regionalization of the policy for a blue economy.

Furthermore, a proposal was also made by him addressed to the EU Commission along with the EU Parliament to hold an annual meeting that would discuss the European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund Programs implementation for the period of 2021-2027.

blue economy