Islamabad, 28 January 2022 (TDI): Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Nong Rong expressed his pleasure over the development in the plan of donating 3000 sets of household solar power systems by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China to Gwadar.

This consignment is scheduled to arrive at the beginning of next month. Chinese Ambassador assured that this solar power system will give benefits to the local people o Gwadar who are facing the electric power shortage.

Recently Pakistani Federal Cabinet approved an agreement between the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority and the Chinese Ministry of Environment to provide 3,000 solar power generation units to the local people in Gwadar to resolve their electricity issue and ensure a pollution-free environment.

Pakistani Planning Minister, Asad Umar earlier appreciated that China will install 3,200 solar panel units in various houses in Gwadar to support Pakistan. He also shared that the project will start in March and by the end of March 2022 it would be completed.

The Special Assistant to Prime Minister on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) affairs and Minister of State, Khalid Mansoor also recently shared in his briefing about the latest developments on CPEC projects that soon water supply and electricity issues in Gwadar will be resolved.

He said that with the help of China, under the social uplift fund for the locals, these solar panels would be installed on more than 3,000 local houses in Gwadar. He also shared that many schemes are on the cards under CPEC, Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP), and public-private partnership because the socio-economic development of the local people is the top priority of the government.

He explained how CPEC’s first phase was completed in the scheduled time and that it was initially meant to overcome the power shortage in Pakistan. Furthermore, he also expressed his hope that with the help of China and investors from all over the world, Gwadar will replace Dubai soon.