HomeAsiaEast AsiaChina-Luxembourg relations boost China-Europe trade ties

China-Luxembourg relations boost China-Europe trade ties


Beijing, 21 December 2023 (TDI): Vice-Foreign Minister Deng Li of China and Secretary-General Jean Olinger of Luxembourg’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs met in Beijing for a political consultation. Enhancing China-Luxembourg bilateral relations directly improves China-Europe ties.

The first direct passenger flight between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg will take off on December 21. The news of the Zhengzhou-based Schengen visa application facilitation service will delight European travelers. However, this is particularly valid during the Christmas season.

VFM Deng Li had political consultations with Secretary-General MFA Lu Jean Olinger in China and Luxembourg. China expects Luxembourg to contribute positively to relations between China and Europe. The two parties decided to push for the development of the Air Silk Road. And increase collaboration in the financial and green sectors.

Also Read: China hopes to expand cooperation with Europe, Xi Jinping tells the leaders of France and Germany 

According to Jean Olinger, Luxembourg highly values bilateral ties and respects China’s developmental accomplishments. It aspires to deepen its partnership with China through the “Air Silk Road” and increase collaboration in developing industries like finance and green development.

It also improved coordination and communication in international affairs. Therefore, Luxembourg is willing to contribute positively to Europe’s and China’s openness and collaboration.

Simultaneously, according to Deng Li, China and Luxembourg have recently held mutual respect and trust and followed a win-win, practical, and transparent cooperation strategy.

Hence, China is willing to collaborate with Luxembourg to advance multilateral cooperation, increase people-to-people cultural exchanges, and encourage interactions at all levels. And jointly promote the healthy and steady development of China-EU relations.

China-Luxembourg-Belgium Joint Economic and Trade Committee

The Joint Economic and Trade Committee between China, Luxembourg, and Belgium held its 22nd session. China is pleased to see more commercial connections with Europe and Belgium. Consequently, China welcomes Belgian and European businesses and is prepared to increase imports. Also, it will fortify collaboration in green development and the digital economy.

In the to-to, China’s and Luxembourg’s foreign ministers discussed fundamental problems of common interest and concern that were regional and global in scope. Hence, China-Luxembourg bilateral relations are a crown jewel for China’s trade relationship with Europe.

Owais Khan
Owais Khan
The author, Owais Khan, is a China researcher at The Diplomatic Insight. He graduated with a BS in International Relations from the University of Peshawar. He has been a research intern at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad. He is a contributing author at Stratheia, Pakistan Today, The Diplomatic Insight, Pakistan Observer, and the Daily Times Newspaper. He has many Op-Ed publications and press releases on South Asia, geopolitics, and the Indian Ocean Region on different platforms. He can be reached at owaiskhanmarwat07@gmail.com.

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