Beijing, 15 April 2023 (TDI): During Friday’s meeting in Beijing, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Chinese Premier Li Qiang stressed the importance of economic development for both countries.

Li noted that this year marks the 30th anniversary of China-Brazil’s comprehensive strategic partnership, and emphasized the need for both countries to enhance their bilateral economic relations to a new level.

He also highlighted the importance of deepening mutual political trust, strengthening strategic communication, and synchronizing development strategies with Brazil.

To push their relationship to the next level, Li called for efforts from both sides to actively diversify the growth of bilateral agricultural exports and promote cooperation in other fields, such as energy, minerals and aviation.

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He also emphasized the need to increase mutual investment with improved financial dialogue and exchange.

Furthermore, Li stressed the importance of expanding cooperation on the digital economy and green development, advancing cooperation within the New Development Bank and other multilateral financial mechanisms.

As both countries are defenders of multilateralism, China is always willing to work with Brazil to contribute to global development in accordance with the UN principles and upgrade their economic relations by pushing the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the right direction.

On his part, Lula also expressed Brazil’s willingness to work with China in major areas such as politics, the economy and trade, agricultural education, culture, sustainable development, and science and technology.

According to him, by expanding investment and settling the local currency, Brazil would kickstart its deindustrialization process and contribute to its social as well as economic development.

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Lula stated that China is a vital partner in enhancing global governance, and Brazil is prepared to enhance communication and coordination with China in international matters.

Together, they will protect the interests of developing countries, amplify the voices of developing nations, and work towards building a peaceful and stable world.