Moscow, 22 March 2023 (TDI): During President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow, Chinese and Russian leaders agreed to deepen their strategic partnership by strengthening cooperation and exchange in various fields.

The two Presidents agreed to enhance their overall strategic partnership by promoting cooperation and exchanges in different areas while adhering to the principles of friendship, good neighborliness, and mutually beneficial collaboration.

During the talks, Xi noted, “China and Russia share a long border and strengthening their positive and lasting neighbourly relationship aligns with China’s strategic goals and history. This commitment remains steadfast, regardless of any unforeseen circumstances.”

He also mentioned that changes are happening faster, and the international balance of power is shifting profoundly.

“Being permanent members of the UN Security Council and major countries in the world, China and Russia have natural responsibilities to make joint efforts to steer and promote global governance in a direction that meets the expectations of the international community and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind,” he added.

Putin, on his part, congratulated his Chinese counterpart on becoming the President of China for a second term. Then he expressed its support for China and appreciated its neutral position in the international system.

He also admired the role of China in successfully bringing about long-standing historical outcomes for Saudi Arabia and Iran through table talks in Beijing.

The discussion between Xi and Putin has infused the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era with fresh momentum, richness, and depth.

Following their discussions, Xi and Putin signed two joint statements: one on strengthening their coordination and strategic partnership for a new era and another on the priorities for China-Russia economic cooperation leading up to 2030.

The meeting marks a significant milestone in the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination. Their joint statements on strengthening coordination and economic cooperation demonstrate their commitment to enhancing their partnership for a new era.

Also read: China, Russia to further deepen ties