CBRICS IPDS-CCPEC KSU signed MOU during Muztagata Forum


Kashgar, China 18 June 2023 (TDI): The Centre for BRI and China Studies of the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Centre for China Pakistan Economic Corridor Kashi State University (CCPEC KSU).

The MoU signing took place during the third Muztagata Forum, an International Symposium dedicated to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), held in Kashgar, China, on 18th June 2023.

The MoU was signed by Muhammad Asif Noor, Director of the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, and Ruihua Chen, Director of the Centre for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Kashi State University.

This significant collaboration between CBRICS IPDS and CCPEC KSU aims to foster academic cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and joint research endeavors in the field of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Belt and Road Initiative studies.

The partnership seeks to deepen the understanding of the economic, social, and geopolitical dynamics surrounding CPEC and its implications for regional connectivity, sustainable development, and peace.

By leveraging the expertise and resources of both institutions, the collaboration intends to contribute to the scholarly discourse, policy formulation, and strategic thinking related to CPEC and the broader Belt and Road Initiative.

Through this MoU, CBRICS IPDS and CCPEC KSU are committed to organizing joint research projects, conferences, seminars, and workshops that bring together scholars, experts, and policymakers from China, Pakistan, and beyond.

The collaboration will also facilitate faculty and student exchange programs, enabling the exchange of ideas, experiences, and cultural understanding between the two institutions.

The CBRICS IPDS  is dedicated to promoting research, dialogue, and policy analysis on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its impact on regional and global dynamics.

The Centre aspires to provide a platform for informed discussions, constructive engagement, and academic collaboration on matters related to China’s growing global influence, connectivity projects, and the changing dynamics of international relations.

The Centre for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Kashi State University (CCPEC KSU) is a leading academic institution in Kashgar, China, specializing in research, education, and policy analysis related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

CCPEC KSU is committed to exploring the multifaceted dimensions of CPEC, fostering collaboration between China and Pakistan, and contributing to the socio-economic development of the region.

The signing of this MoU between IPDS and CCPEC KSU marks a significant step forward in strengthening the academic ties and research collaboration between Pakistan and China. It underscores the shared commitment to promoting academic excellence, mutual understanding, and constructive engagement in the context of CPEC and the Belt and Road Initiative.

Both institutions express their gratitude to the organizers and participants of the third Muztagata Forum for providing a conducive environment to facilitate this important partnership. They look forward to harnessing their collective expertise and resources to advance knowledge, foster understanding, and contribute to the sustainable development and prosperity of the region.

About the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS): The Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS) is a leading research and policy institute based in Pakistan. Dedicated to promoting peace, diplomacy, and conflict resolution, IPDS conducts research, organizes training programs, and hosts conferences on various aspects of international relations, peacebuilding, and diplomacy. The Centre for BRI and China Studies is a specialized Centre of IPDS focusing on the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s foreign policy.

About the Centre for China Pakistan Economic Corridor Kashi State University (CCPEC KSU): The Centre for China Pakistan Economic Corridor Kashi State University (CCPEC KSU) is an academic institution based in Kashgar, China. With a primary focus on research, education, and policy analysis related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, CCPEC KSU aims to contribute to sustainable development and regional cooperation between China and Pakistan.