Ottawa, 22 February 2023 (TDI): On Tuesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Melanie Joly issued a statement on the recent missiles launched by North Korea.

In the issued statement, Canada urged North Korea to engage in good-faith diplomacy and cease the reckless provocation.

The statement also added, ”North Korea Continues to violate United Nations Security Council resolution in its most recent missile launches, including the February 18, 2023, launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.”

The missile landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, and the February 20 launch of two short-range ballistic missiles that landed in the East Sea, are acts of aggression that threaten regional and international peace and security.

In addition, Canada reassured its commitment to Indo-Pacific Strategy. It will continue collaborating with its partners in the North Pacific region and elsewhere to strengthen regional stability in the Korean Peninsula.

It is also to be noted that Japan has called an urgent meeting in United Nations Security Council on Monday to take collective action against North Korea’s Ballistic Missiles launched near the Japan Sea in the Pacific Ocean.

United Nations Security Council Meeting

In the urgent meeting, United States (US) Ambassador, Linda Thomas told the council that the US will propose a presidential statement to urge all 15 members of the UNSC to agree to take collective action against North Korea and force it to engage in meaningful dialogue.

Also read: US urges allies and UNSC to take action against DPRK

Chinese Deputy Ambassador, Dai Bing also responded in the meeting, ”Since the US has repeatedly expressed its willingness to unconditionally engage in dialogue with the DPRK, it should take tangible steps.

These steps should be meant to start and maintain a dialogue, exclusively pursuing and piling on sanctions will only lead to a dead end.” Furthermore, he added that the US should stop its military exercises in the region.

The military exercise with South Korea and Japan are highly provocative to North Korea and aggravated a sense of insecurity, to engage in a dialogue with North Korea, the US must take tangible steps.

North Korea

I am Muhammad Raza student of International Relations and Poltics, focusing on Foreign Policy and Geopolitics. You can reach me through my email address: