Baku, 15 July 2022 (TDI): The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, met with Mekan Ishangulyyev, the outgoing Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan.

Ambassador Ishangulyyev has completed his diplomatic tenure in Azerbaijan.

Remarks of the Foreign minister

Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov praised the Turkmen Ambassador for his excellent efforts to foster friendly and fraternal relations between the two nations and wished him luck in his future endeavors.

Moreover, the historical significance of strengthening collaboration and discussion between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in various formats, as well as frequent high-level visits and meetings, agreements achieved on the Caspian Sea, which is a Friendship Sea, and expanding cooperation, were stressed.

Remarks of the Ambassador

Ambassador Ishangulyyev remarked that he conducted his business in Azerbaijan in the same way he did in his native country and expressed his happiness with the relationships between the peoples and nations founded on historical, cultural, and ethnic unity.

He emphasized that there is room for more collaboration in the fields of politics, economy, commerce, transportation, and transit.

In addition, the agenda for bilateral cooperation, regional peacebuilding initiatives, and other topics of shared interest were addressed in the meeting.

Lastly, Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov extended his warmest greetings to Ambassador Ishangulyev.

Appointment of New Turkmen Ambassador to Azerbaijan

The President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, has issued the order of appointment of Gurbanmamet Elyasov as the new ambassador of the country to Azerbaijan. Elyasov has previously served as the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Japan.

Meanwhile, Ishanguliyev was recalled from his duty as Ambassador to Azerbaijan and appointed as the Ambassador of Turkiye to Turkiye.