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At COP12, Belarus pledges to combat illegal migration

Vienna (TDI): The Belarusian delegation participated in the 12th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP12)  to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime in Vienna with the intention of supporting the broader agenda of CrimeCop12, which addresses illicit financial flows, human trafficking, and migrant smuggling.

A Conference of the Parties to the Convention was established in accordance with article 32 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

Its goals are to enhance the ability of States Parties to combat transnational organized crime and to encourage and assess the Convention’s implementation.

The COP UNTOC is holding its twelfth session in Vienna, Austria, from October 14–18, 2024.

In this regard, countries from all across the world have banded together to address this issue. Belarus, Northern Eurasian State, the main suspect and victim in this case also participated.

Belarus Delegation at UNGA

Mapping Belarus and the case of illegal immigrants:

Belarus has been dealing with the issue of illegal migrants since 2000, but the situation has gotten worse after 2021.

The subsequent events resulted in a strain on its relationship with EU states.

Moreover, it is under constant scrutiny and criticism for its handling of refugee problems.

In fact, Belarus serves as a transit route for migrants seeking to enter western Europe due to its geographic proximity to other EU members.

Allegations have been made against Belarus that it deliberately allowed the surge of migrants from the Middle East to pass over its borders and into EU countries.

Amid the Arab Spring, it attracts migrants from war-torn regions, causing problems in EU states such as Poland and Latvia.

In 2021, amid EU sanctions against Belarus for disputed elections, they led to another refugee surge into EU states.

EU states issued an emergency on the border with Belarus, using border security and other steps to try to stop them.

Furthermore, the EU condemned Belarus for using a hybrid warfare approach against it. Over the years, Belarus and the EU have participated in diplomatic efforts to resolve crises. Over time, the influx has decreased, but tensions remain.

The current gathering is the manifestation of this long-term endeavor.

Read More: Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS 

COP12 and Belarus Approach:

During the October 17, 2024, session of parties, the Belarusian delegation demanded that efforts be combined and that cooperation be shown in order to address the flow of migrants at the western border.

Furthermore, they underlined the point that Belarus cannot help EU nations adequately in fortifying themselves against the migratory flow as it did in the past.

This issue can only be addressed by concerted efforts and the collaboration of all parties concerned.

COP12- Belarus

Contributor at IPDS

Maryam Shuja
Maryam Shuja
Contributor at IPDS

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