Islamabad, 2 June  2022 (TDI):  Muhammad Asif Noor, Editor-In-Chief, The Diplomatic Insight,  Editor Global News Pakistan, and President of International Forum for Pakistani Columnist and Anchors has been conferred with the “CPEC Communications Award” during the 7th China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Media Forum jointly organized by China Economic Net (CEN) and Pakistan China Institute and in cooperation with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Pakistan here in Islamabad. The Chief Guest of the event was  Raja Pervez Ashraf, Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan.


Muhammad Asif Noor has been conferred with this award on the basis of his outstanding contribution toward promoting CPEC and its important insight and building a strong relationship between China and Pakistan.

Muhammad Asif Noor is a two-decade-strong business and media evangelist with experience in building networks among Diplomats, Media, Business Groups, Government, and Civil Society Leaders based in Pakistan and across the globe.

Earlier Asif Noor has been awarded Hurricane Lamp Top Award for Policy Coordination by NEXT Federation New Zealand in 2020 and this award was presented by Dr. Essam Sharaf, Former President of Egypt and President of NEXT Federation.

Asif Noor keeping in view his strong drive to build friendships with countries has established the International Forum for Pakistani Columnists and Anchors, the Pakistan-SCO Friendship Forum, and Friends of BRI Forum, a unique podium for Business, Media, and Academic Groups to join together from BRI countries at one platform.

The 7th China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Media Forum was held here in Islamabad.  It is conducted as an annual event in Beijing and Islamabad on alternate years.

The theme of this year’s forum was “Enhance New Media Cooperation to Depict the Multidimensional and Comprehensive CPEC”.

The Forum conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on topics including ‘CPEC Phase 2: Opportunities & Challenges’, ‘Pakistan, Global Development Initiative, and the Role of Media’, and ‘Objective and Fair reporting of CPEC’.

The opening session was moderated by Mustafa Hyder Sayed, the Executive Director of the Pakistan-China Institute.

The establishment of the CPEC Media Forum in 2014 has paved the way not only for international information sharing and news collaboration, but also for the people of both countries to learn about, and from, each other.

Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Asharaf Speaking on the occasion of 7th CPEC Media Forum
Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan Raja Pervaiz Asharaf Speaking on the occasion of the 7th CPEC Media Forum

While speaking on the occasion Speaker of National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf says sharing in the media sector at all levels between Pakistan and China is the need of the hour, which will take bilateral relations to new heights.

Addressing the 7th CPEC Media Forum in Islamabad on Thursday, he said the media has the responsibility to report fairly and factually on CPEC.

He said through events, like CPEC Media Forum, countries can get an excellent opportunity to consolidate the existing all-weather friendship between Pakistan and China.

The Speaker National Assembly said there is a need for large-scale outreach efforts towards mitigating the apprehensions of local communities about those vicious propaganda campaigns.

He said through CPEC, China has given a vote of confidence in Pakistan’s potential to build a better future.

Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said Pakistan would leave no stone unturned in upholding this confidence by countering the recent misinformation and propaganda around the project.

He said a multidimensional outreach strategy comprising all stakeholders is the need of the hour. Think tanks, media, and educational exchanges can also prove instrumental in this effort.

In his virtual remarks, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the architect of China-Pakistan relations and Pakistan is committed to promoting this time-tested friendship.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed thanked China for helping Pakistan during COVID-19 by extending much-needed medical and moral support, which saved millions of lives.

China, he said, established an air corridor for 6 weeks in March-April 2020 which enhanced Pakistan’s capacity to contain the pandemic at home.

He further said that the Pakistan-China relationship, he maintained, has withstood the test of time and emerged as a uniquely robust and resilient relationship.

Charge D’ Affairs  Embassy of China to Pakistan and  Ambassador of Pakistan to China also spoke on the occasion.

Zhao Zizhong, Vice President of Economic Daily, Tian Yuhong, Executive Secretary of the All-China Journalists Association, Yang Jiandou, CEO of All Pakistan-Chinese Enterprises Association (APCEA), Hameed Haroon, CEO of Dawn Media Group,  Journalist Najma Minhas,
Li Yue, Vice President, and Director, China Economic Information Service, Xinhua News Agency,
Wang Qianting from China Media Group, Ambassador (R ) Aizaz Chaudhry, Director General of the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and Mustafa Hayder, Director Pakistan China Institute also spoke on the occasion.

After the speeches, a book titled ‘China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Stories Behind” was launched by Cui Jin, Editor of China Economic Net.

At the end of the forum, 4 notable journalists from Pakistan were also awarded CPEC Communication Awards. The award winners are Muhammad Asif Noor, Tahir Ali, Hafiz Tahir Khalil, and Syed Kamal Hussain Shah.