Washington DC, 15 September 2022 (TDI): Ambassador of the United States (US) to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield met with UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths.

Both discussed a range of humanitarian challenges, including global food insecurity, the threat of famine in Somalia, and response and recovery efforts in Pakistan.

United Nations Relief Fund for Pakistan 

Martin Griffiths has approved $7 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to extend emergency help in Pakistan. Pakistan has been struck by its worst floods since 2010.

Following last month’s allotment of $3 million, this contribution takes CERF’s help for flood relief to $10 million.

Also read: UNDP affirms support to Pakistan

“People in Pakistan are living through the world’s worst climate nightmare,” said UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths.

”They have already endured a record-breaking heatwave that claimed many lives this year, and now catastrophic flooding. People in Pakistan deserve climate justice, international solidarity, and support from the world as they deal with this latest climate tragedy.” he added.

Fear of Famine in Somalia

Somalia and its neighbors in the Horn of Africa including Ethiopia and Kenya are in the grip of the worst drought in more than 40 years following four failed rainy seasons that have wiped out livestock and crops.

Somalia is also reeling from conflict and instability, which is worsening hunger and restricting the supply of aid to those who need it. These conditions are expected to last through to at least March 2023.

UN Relief coordinator was on a visit to Somalia last week, where he witnessed severe suffering.

US and UN Relationship

The United States is one of the most important members of the UN. The US mission to the UN was created in 1947 and it serves as the state’s delegation to the United Nations.

Moreover, Washington also provides the largest financial contribution to the UN’s overall budget. Apart from this, the UN has headquarters in New York.