Muhammad Asif Noor

Muhammad Asif Noor is an award-winning two-decade robust media, business, and academic evangelist with experience building and thriving media, research, and business networks that include influential leaders worldwide.

As the CEO of the Diplomatic Insight Group (DIG), Muhammad Asif Noor has made his benchmark through innovation and cutting-edge leadership by helping governments, media, research, and trade bodies to make informed decisions by offering services including analysis, research, network outreach, information beyond headlines hence translating trust and relations into profits. 

DIG has five prominent Media, Public Diplomacy, academic, and Business entities. First is the leading Public Diplomacy Magazine, The Diplomatic Insight-engaging diplomats and ambassadors and then Public Diplomacy Think Tank Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies- offering research, analysis, foresight, and strategic risk analysis.

Then Multilingual News Agency Global News Pakistan, Belt, and Road Consultants, a trading company, and Global Business Alliance- a network of Chambers, Business entities, and executives. 

Mr. Noor has won the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Communications Award from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to Pakistan and China Economic Net (CEN).

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Recently Mr. Noor was awarded the Public Diplomat Award from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Uzbekistan. 

NEXT Federation New Zealand conferred Asif Noor with Hurricane Lamp Top Award for Policy Coordination in 2020, conferred by the former Prime Minister of Egypt. 

As an acclaimed author and publisher of several Books, Mr. Noor has been contributing and writing for various Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Embassies and is a regular contributor for national and international news and media outlets on subjects of foreign policy and security issues.

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