HomeTechnology6G Breakthrough: Stream 20 HD Movies Instantly

6G Breakthrough: Stream 20 HD Movies Instantly


London (TDI): Researchers at University College London (UCL) have made a groundbreaking achievement in testing the upcoming 6G network, reaching speeds of an astonishing 938 Gbps.

For context, while current 5G networks can theoretically handle speeds of up to 20 Gbps, real-world performance is often much lower.

The UCL team surpassed even recent achievements by Japanese researchers, who recorded speeds 20 times faster than 5G, by exploring a broader frequency range of 5–150 GHz.

While these lab results are impressive, it’s important to keep in mind that they may not fully translate to real-world conditions.

Once 6G networks are deployed, practical challenges such as spectrum limitations and infrastructure costs are likely to lead to lower actual speeds.

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Nonetheless, the potential is immense—at 938 Gbps, users could theoretically download over 20 high-definition movies in just one second.

However, more likely applications in today’s context would involve ultra-high-definition video streaming or high-resolution gaming rather than mass downloading.

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Although we are still several years away from the rollout of 6G, with commercial networks expected around 2030, advancements like this are vital.

As research continues, the final 6G technology is poised to deliver even greater enhancements over 5G than initially expected, both in speed and overall network capabilities. The world of connectivity is on the brink of a significant transformation.

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