Accra, 22 November 2022 (TDI): The Thirty-Second Ordinary Meeting of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Administration and Finance Committee ended today.

The Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) is an economic block that includes all West African Countries.

The ECOWAS Administrative and Finance Committee (AFC) chaired by Jean-Claude Kassi Brou held a committee meeting that started on 14 November 2022. The meeting ran through a week and finally ended today.

Agenda of the Meeting

The agenda of the meeting was for them to discuss and deliberate on the Status of Tasks Assigned to Community Institutions by the 31st Meeting of the Administration and Finance Committee.

The task assigned to member countries’ representatives and states was deliberated at the meeting. The ECOWAS has always been a strong economic block in the West Africa Sub-Region.

It played the role of task assignment and ensuring that all member states are well represented have always been their motive. Also, the committee looked at the implementation of the Provision of the Community Levy Protocol by the members.

This levy Protocol is to ensure that member states abide by the necessary terms and conditions of the organization. The ECOWAS serves its member states with the minimum levy which they are always able to pay.

Furthermore, they looked at the issue of the Memorandum on Operationalization of ECOWAS Cross-Borders (CBC) Programme 2021-2025.

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The issue of cross borders among member countries has been a great concern for the bloc. They have most of the time discussed the way forward to ensure that each member state has free border entry for people.

in addition, the meeting looked at the budget of the ECOWAS institutions. To be able to keep the organization running the institution working to ensure it is on its feet must be well looked at.

The members also discussed how to make sure that these institutions have the needed funds to run the organization. All these suggestions will be presented to the main body for consideration.