Singapore, 16 March 2022 (TDI): On the second stop in the ongoing Asian tour, the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry; arrived in Singapore.
Shoukry met Teo Chee Hean who is the Senior Minister & Coordinating Minister for National Security & Chairman for the inter-ministerial committee on Climate Change
According to the Egyptian spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry; Shoukry and Hean discussed ways of enhancing cooperation and coordination on climate in the coming period.
The discussion was in light of Egypt’s presidency and hosting of COP27; which will be in Cairo, at the end of 2022, in addition to means of bolstering cooperation in various fields of mutual interest. During the meeting, both exchanged views regarding important regional and international issues.
Shoukry and Hean also evaluated the impact of regional and international issues. Finally, both discussed several ways to cooperate in the field of counter-terrorism. As mentioned before, Shoukry was elected as the president of the 27th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Yesterday the Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesperson announced via Twitter; the 100th Anniversary of the Egyptian Ministry. The country also celebrated Egypt’s Diplomat Day. To commemorate the two occasions; the Egyptian Ministry lighted up its headquarters with the number “100”.
The Ministry also shared a film on the occasion of the Anniversary on Twitter and Facebook, In the film, the Foreign Ministry included the history, origin, work, and role diplomacy plays in defending Egyptian interests. They also included the constant care Egypt’s diplomats provide to citizens abroad.
It is important to mention the reason why Egypt has a Diplomat’s day. The reason is that on this day, the Ministry resumed its activities following Egypt’s independence from the UK on 22 February 1922.
The UK abolished the Egyptian Foreign Ministry when they announced the declaration of Egypt as a protectorate. The Egyptian Spokesperson, Ahmed Hafez; remarked that the celebration happened in times that the diplomacy protects the interests of the country.
According to the Foreign Ministry of Singapore, the country established diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1966. The establishment came almost a year after the independence of Singapore in 1965. The Ambassador of Singapore to Egypt is concurrently accredited to Libya, as well.

Egypt was one of the first countries to recognize the independence of Singapore and was the first Arab country to establish diplomatic ties. Furthermore, Egypt also supported Singapore’s entry into the Non-Aligned Movement. NAM was a source of further recognition of Singapore’s independence.
The current Ambassador is Singapore’s Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt is Dominic Goh, since 15 September 2019. The two countries signed the Singapore-Egypt Bilateral Investment Treaty in 2002.
In 2006, Singapore and Egypt signed a Declaration of Intent to start negotiations on the Egypt-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement. The two Foreign Ministers signed the Declaration in Cairo.
Thousands of Singaporeans studied at Al-Azhar University in Cairo over the years. The cooperation between Al Azhar and Singapore is increasing to face the rising threat of religious extremism and terrorism. The reason is that Al Azhar University has a strong determination to counter the extremist interpretation of Islam and spread its true teachings.